Kate Janzen

Kate is an award-winning composer, director, and accompanist who has been working in the field of music since 1999, and since getting her first job accompanying a local community choir, she has never looked back.

After receiving her Bachelor of Music degree from Sacramento State’s School of Music in California – with a double focus in jazz studies/arranging, theory, and composition – she has gone on to become a highly sought after musician wherever she resides.

One of her greatest joys in life is vocal music, including composing, as well as directing and teaching, regardless of whether it’s choir, vocal jazz, or musical theatre.

She is always advocating for singers, and encourages them to, “Stand in and speak their truth, since singing is a direct line to the soul. The more someone is in alignment with their depth and truest nature, the more their voice can ring clear and shine out to the world as the gift that they are. And nothing is more human – and more beautiful – than singing together.”

Kate currently resides in Colorado where she is focusing on composing new music for choirs and vocal jazz ensembles, music-directing at The Spark Performing Arts Center and Rocky Mountain Theatre for Kids, singing with The Key of She, directing The Superior Community Choir, and working on her first full-length musical.

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